Doctor in Guam - Find out the best treatment for Acne Scar

ExpressCare Guam - Best Doctor in Guam

Acne Scars is really a bad experience for everyone and certainly, it can be embarrassing to carry on the face. At ExpressCare, our top Doctor in Guam offers various treatments for acne scar removal depending on the type and severity of the scarring. The scars could either be mild or severe. Severe acne results in scars that will be permanent if left untreated and span over a great depth of the skin layer.


What causes the scarring?


Several factors could lead to acne scarring


Prevention of Acne itself could be the best way to keep the scars from occurring. Picking the acne scabs or acne can also contribute to acne scars and sometimes even pits on the skin. Severe Acne like Cystic acne almost always leaves scars, sometimes they leave permanent scars.


There are various treatment methods available for the removal of acne scars. It is important to be educated on all the methods and make an informed choice when it comes to choosing the method that is most suited for a person.


Doctor in Guam

Top Doctor in Guam for Acne treatment


Below is a list of the most popular treatments for Acne Scar Removal.


1. Chemical Peel:

This method comprises applying cream or lotion on the affected area of the skin. After leaving it for a while, the old skin cell gets dried and flakes off. New clear skin grows on top of the flaked-off skin layer. Care should be taken to ensure that exposure to the sun should be avoided during the period of the growth of the new skin layer. Refer, Chemical Peel Treatments for a detailed study of various Chemical peel treatment methods.


2. Microdermabrasion:

Microdermabrasion is a treatment where the top layers of the scarred skin are scraped off using a device that shoots abrasive crystals on the skin surface. It is one of the very popular and most effective techniques, and deep stains can be removed easily by following this procedure in a short time.


3. Laser Resurfacing for acne scars:

In this method, a concentrated beam of the laser is focused on the scar. This burns the scar along with the outer sink layer and thus the new emerging skin that grows is free of scars.


4. Surgical methods:

Scar treatment can also be brought about by means of surgery. This is usually used to treat deep scars. It involves scraping out of the scarred skin and allowing new skin to grow over a period of time. If the scars are deep and wide, skin grafting needs to be done. Skin from the back of the ear can be used to fill the pit caused by the removal of the scar.


Through the effective result in minimum time, most people can get right back to work after a treatment session. ExpressCare Guam is the best Guam Dermal Clinic and here we provide the various options for single problem according to type of your skin type and current status of problem.


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